Seasons of Life by Audrey Cofield

Curved Corner

"Don't Let It Throw You"

"Don't let it throw you", is a motto I've etched
      And hung on our cubby-hole door,
When I am worried I open it up
      And ponder its lesson o're.

It serves as a tranquilizer and warning
      To give me a new prospect on life.
Nothing, then seems so important
      No matter how rugged the strife.

One, needs to stop often and meditate,
      For life with-out happiness is in vain,
Only in the baptism of calmness
      Can one's life in peacefulness reign.


Curved Corner


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Index | Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter | Philosophy

© 1963 Audrey Cofield
First Edition 1963
Site Design © 2002, Sharp Sites
All Rights Reserved
Posted for your enjoyment
by her granddaughter,
Jane Sharp Holman