Seasons of Life by Audrey Cofield
















About the Author:

Audrey M. Cofield
1904 - 1979

Audrey M. CofieldAudrey Cofield was a farmer's wife, a mother, and a grandmother.  She grew up on a farm near Middleboro, Indiana and lived her entire adult life on a farm a just a mile away from her childhood home. 

She dearly loved her family and nature and was a great observer of both.  This book of poetry arose out of a time of tragedy and personal reflection. 

I'm grateful for her efforts as her words continue to soothe my soul.  I hope they also bring you reflection, joy and peace.

- Jane Sharp Holman,
her granddaughter


Index | Spring | Summer | Autumn | Winter | Philosophy

© 1963 Audrey Cofield
First Edition 1963
Site Design © 2002, Sharp Sites
All Rights Reserved
Posted for your enjoyment
by her granddaughter,
Jane Sharp Holman